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Shenxun Directing

Shenxun (Steven) Yao is a an award-winning Chinese American director, actor, and cinematographer. His work includes being the cinematographer for Man Hill, Mixed Signals, acting in numerous theater plays, as well as directing Last Chance Dance, Grandma's River, Clark, The Story of a Stranded Frog. His films have played at major festivals in New York, LA, Houston, and Chicago.

Steven aims to create visual poems that blur the boundaries between fiction and nonfiction, conventional and experimental storytelling, reflecting his experience as a Chinese filmmaker navigating life in the U.S. at a young age, capturing the feeling of being caught between worlds and the internal loneliness within a cultural hodgepodge.


The Story of Stranded Frog 

Gene Siskel Film Center

Asian American International Film Festival (Regal Union Square)


Asian Film Festival - Los Angeles (Best Actor)


Brooklyn Sci-Fi Film Festival

Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival

Miami International Sci-FI Film Festival​

Grandma’s River

Indy Shorts Film Festival

Newport Beach Film Festival



Office of Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Summer Research Grant


Department of Radio/TV/Film 

Senior Directing Grant 

Media Arts Grant 

School of Communication

Honors Convocation 2024: All School Student Award 

Sundance Travel Grant

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